Product Index

Product>>Lubricants, Coatings & Cleanings>>噴樂 防銹 潤滑 電子接點清潔

Lubricant 潤滑


3M Spray Grease 66 / 3M 噴樂66 噴霧黃油

* High performance, Long-lasting lubrication. Easy spray viscosity. water resistant grease.

* It is designed for use as a flowable, general purpose lubricant on hinges, seat tracks, and under hood locations where high temperatures are encountered.

* Lubricate mechanical parts. Good Anti-abrasion. Protect movable metal parts from corrosion under appropriate condition in storing. High temperature durable.

* 472 ml 16fl.oz. / 24 pcs in a case

3M 噴樂66 黃油 - 能使金屬物件儲存、保養免於腐蝕


特性: 耐高溫, 高黏度, 具潤滑, 保養, 抗磨損功能做為各類金屬物件的維修保養用。

用途: 使用於各種電機和機械設備如馬達, 泵浦, 發電機, 昇降機, 電梯, 潤滑保養用。機械、電機或一般金屬物件的潤滑。
高黏度、抗磨損性佳。 金屬物件儲存、保養免於腐蝕。 耐高溫。

  • 電捲門、鏈條
  • 機械零件、關節
  • 金屬齒輪
  • 門軸
  • 船舶、汽機車

容量 16fl.oz/ 472ml
成份 鋰基潤滑物、高級基礎油、推進劑
產地 台灣



3M Spray Lubricant 88 / 噴樂88 防銹潤滑劑

* Specialized formula for general or all-around use. Provides characteristics of a lubricating oil, a penetrating oil, a demoisturizing coating, a thin bodied, transparent rust preventative coating in aerosol form.

* 562 ml / 24 pcs in a case



特性: 防銹,防潮,潤滑清潔用. 做為機械設備的維修保養用. 無腐蝕性.

用途: 加強型 使用於各種電機和機械設備如馬達, 泵浦, 發電機, 昇降機, 電梯, 齒輪和壓縮機等潤防銹保護.潤滑生鏽金屬零件。 鬆動黏稠油污零件。 排除溼氣。 清潔油性髒污。

  • 絞鏈、齒輪的潤滑、滲透
  • 金屬鏈條以及工具的滲透、潤滑、防鏽
  • 機車煞車手把的潤滑、保養
  • 門窗軌道潤滑、去除雜音
  • 農耕機具的潤滑、防鏽
  • 軍警槍械清潔保養
  • 清潔潤滑門鎖
  • 適用各種電機和機械設備的潤滑防鏽保護

容量  19fl.oz/ 562 ml
成份  界面活性劑、石油提煉物、防鏽劑
產地   台灣


3M Scotch Sprays  

3M  Scotch 1634 Lubrication Spray CNC 噴霧式切削潤滑油 Made in Germany

Lubricating for CNC Machine Operation - Lubrication, cooling. 400 ml

3M Scotch 1634 噴霧式切削油具有多種功能,有潤滑、冷卻及抗融著的三種作用.


* 紅色罐裝 400 ml

* 德國工業級 德國製造



3M Scotch 1609 Silicone Lubricant Spray 矽利康潤滑噴劑 - 可用於塑膠、橡膠潤滑, 是預防保養、防護及潤滑用的一般性產品。 可用於潤滑活動部位,不會變成稠狀,同時適用溫度廣(-32℃到177℃),*可提供持久的保護,對抗濕度及腐蝕。溫和不傷烤漆、塑膠、橡膠、發泡材料、焰木頭及布料. 最佳的潤滑劑, 潤滑、塑膠、橡膠 可潤滑讓汽車電動窗上下順暢. 是預防保養、防護及潤滑用的產品. 德國製造 - 400ml  德國製造

有重型機車愛好者, 尤其是對 BMW, Harley哈雷,凱旋Triumph 古董重型機車, 噴在重型機車引擎上, 由其是對表面沒有烤漆的引擎, 有很好的保護作用, 防止氧化, Silicone矽利康在引擎主體上形成保護膜, 保護膜不會因雨淋或為騎車引擎溫度而消失, 可提供持久的保護,對抗濕度及腐蝕。  注:1.排氣管前段太熱 效果有限 2. 矽利康保護膜能用一般清潔劑洗掉。

1609 is neutral towards paints, plastic, rubber, foamed materials, wood and fabrics. Lubricates moving parts without becoming resinous. General use product for preventative maintenance, protection and lubrication. It lubricates moving parts, without becoming resinous, thereby, providing long lasting protection against moisture and corrosion. Temp. Stability (-32℃~177℃)

* Made in Germany/ Industry Grade / 6 pcs in case



3M Multi-Purpose EP Grease 泛用型極壓耐重高溫潤滑脂     沒有貨  No Stock

3M 多效能極壓高溫滑脂  Multi-purpose EP Grease (Extreme Pressure)

耐極壓 耐重 耐高溫潤滑脂 牛油 黃油: 耐高溫耐極壓鋰基脂 Lithium Complex 是目前業界之最好的.

抗高溫達204℃(-40~204℃) / 良好的極壓負荷能力 / dropping point 滴點更高達288℃/ 抗氧化性 / 抗水衝刷性 / 具長時間潤滑壽命 / 易開罐式封口

NLGI Grade #2 用於工業設備,車輛軸承,高溫, 重負荷及衝擊時使用。潮濕或乾燥之環境下均可使用。金屬抗腐蝕、防銹 抗磨損、耐負荷、耐極壓. 汽車軸承, 齒輪及密封式機構, 電動馬達絕緣潤滑.



Based Oil Viscosity:  227 at 40℃ & 15 at 100℃

Timken Ok Load: 60 pounds

Made in Canda ( 加拿大製)

重量 14 oz / 397g


Cleanings 清潔


3M Quick Drying Contact Cleaner 16-102 / 3M 快乾型電子接點清潔復活劑

3M 16-102 Quick Drying Contact Cleaner is a petroleum distillate/alcohol-based solvent formulated to remove soil and other contaminants from electrical equipment. Dielectric Strength: 25,940 Volts

* Features: Non-corrosive / Non-staining / Quick drying / Leaves no residue / Non CFC / Easy Spray.

* Applications : Cleans dust, soils and other contamination from electrical and electronic components such as electromechanical assemblies, circuit boards, circuit breakers, motor controls, plugs, jacks and terminals, while drying quickly and without leaving a residue.

* Caution: Solvents will attack some plastic surfaces. Test all plastic items for compatibility before use.

* Weight: 298 g  10.5 oz/ 12 pcs in case

特性: 1. 清除各類電子, 電器接點之氧化物, 以降低傳輸阻抗.  2. 快乾、無色、不殘留。3. 介電強度: 25,940伏特。 4. 不含氟氯碳(CFC)化合物。 5. 無腐蝕性。

用途: 可用來清潔 - 印刷電路板、精密儀器、電腦磁帶磁頭、導航儀(迴旋儀) 、電動機、各種開關、斷路器、電驛、電位計、照相底片、磁帶、軸承、銅幣滑軌、火箭設備、助聽器、塑膠模具、金屬沖模、真空管、零件、辦公室器材、事務機器、密閉式電動機、微調器、電話交換機系統、調頻器(選台器) 、數位設備、螺線管、磁化線圈、計秒器、低壓調整器、靈敏性電路、其它電子接點.    *注意:本劑會傷害某些塑膠品表面﹐使用前請先於塑膠或漆面不明顯處試噴。 易燃液體

Others similar product 其他類似:

3M Scotch 1625 Special Contact Cleaner 電子接點清潔復活劑

3M Novec Contact Cleaner 電子接點清潔劑 (最好的)



3M Scotch 1625 Special Contact Cleaner 電子接點清潔復活劑

電子接點清潔復活劑 1625以非常有效且溫和的方式去除灰塵、氧化以及各種不潔物質。可清潔各類電子、電器接點之氧化物,以降低傳輸阻抗,中性不帶電,並且完全不留殘漬,是一個幾乎任何環境都能適用的絕佳清潔噴霧罐。去污、去氧化物使接點、電路回復正常.

1.電子和通訊系統:手機、電腦、影音設備及各種電子電器產品零組件、電路板、通訊器材的快速接頭、電話線的連接、繼電器等等。2.自動控制系統:各種空壓、油壓、電子自動開關控制器等等 3.電機設備:馬達、天車、變壓器、發電機、各種產業機械電力、輸送配電盤、開關箱。 400ml  德國製造  易燃液體

對於各種 按鍵開關 接點接觸不良 ( 熱水瓶 微波爐 led手電筒 等等) 非常有效.

1625 loosens dirt, light oxide layers and impurities of every kind in an effective gentle manner. 1625 is electrically neutral and totally residue-free, making it ideal for use in almost any environmental as a spray cleaner. This product removes any dust, impurity including the traces of grease or oxidation. It is electrically neutral and does not leave any deposit. It can be used like cleaning for all types of applications.

Ideal for general cleaning. Loosens dirt, light oxide layers and impurities. Switches, relays, instrumentation, time switches, computer heads, light-duty contacts for video and magnetic heads.

* Made in Germany/ Industry Grade / 6 pcs in case



3M Novec Contact Cleaner 電子接點清潔劑

3M Novec 電子接點清潔劑非常有效且溫和的方式去除氟素油污,灰塵、油脂, 矽膠以及各種的微粒物質。


1. 清潔電腦,網路,光纖連接器 (不需要關機) 2.清潔半導體製成設備. 3 電子和通訊系統:手機、電腦、影音設備及各種電子電器產品零組件、電路板、通訊器材的快速接頭、電話線的連接、繼電器等等。4.自動控制系統:各種空壓、油壓、電子自動開關控制器等 5.電機設備:馬達、天車、變壓器、發電機、各種產業機械電力、輸送配電盤、開關箱。 Made in USA. 11oz / 312 g   不可燃清潔劑

3M  Novec  Contact Cleaner effectively removes light oils, greases, silicones, dust and particulates from sensitive electrical equipment, including connectors, printed circuit boards, electro-mechanical devices, scales, contacts, relays, switches, conncetors instrumentation and circuit breakers. Novec Contact Cleaner is compatible with plastics and other materials of construction. 

•Fast drying, low odor •Excellent plastics compatibility •Low toxicity •Non-flammable •No rinsing and no residues •Non-chlorinated
•Non-corrosive, non-conductive – ideal for electrical or energized components
11oz / 312 g   Made in USA/ Industry Grade 

• Removes particulates, oils, light grease, silicones, dust and other soils from connector end faces
• Safe for plastics and metals



3M Novec Electronic Degreaser 電子清潔劑 - 油漬

3M Novec 電子清潔劑是絕佳的油污清潔溶劑, 無閃火點, 快乾, 低毒,能夠去除油漬、油脂、潤滑油,完全不留殘漬, 可清潔各類電子、電器設備. 會傷害少部份塑膠(ABS, PS, 壓克力, PC, 聚碳酸酯) 

1.自動控制系統: 各種空壓、油壓、電子自動開關控制器等 2.電機設備:馬達、天車、變壓器、發電機、各種產業機械電力、輸送配電盤、開關箱。3. 清潔半導體製成設備. Made in USA. 12oz / 340 g    易燃液體

3M Novec Electronic Degreaser is ideal for cleaning heavy oils, greases and handling soils from electronic and electrical equipment. This heavy-duty cleaner is suitable for use on metals and many plastics, with the exception of acrylics, polycarbonates, ABS and PS. Non-corrosive Non-flammable Low toxicity Fast drying, no residue Low odor

Novec Electronic Degreaser is based on a non-flammable high performance proprietary hydrofluoroether formulation that is non-ozone depleting and does not contain any Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), Hazardous Air Pollutants
(HAPs) or n-propyl bromide (nPB). This results in an affordable, industrial-strength cleaner/degreaser, providing a wide margin of workplace safety and a favorable environmental profile. 
Made in USA.  Industry Grade  12oz / 340 g


3M Scotch Sprays  

3M  Scotch 1626 Spray Degreaser/Cleaner 油污清潔  Made in Germany 

Ideal to dissolve all the traces of grease, oils, lubricant, resin and tar. It is clear and does not leave any deposit and is not corrosive. It makes it possible moreover to withdraw any asbestos trace. Note: it is likely to deteriorate the plastics, a test is essential before application. Electrical equipment, switches, safety cut outs, motors and generators. 400 ml  易燃液體

油污清潔劑 1626是絕佳的油污清潔溶劑,能夠去除油漬、油脂、潤滑油、樹脂及焦油。透 不留殘漬、不侵蝕,並且可清洗除去石綿。


* 紅色罐裝 400 ml 德國工業級 德國製造





3M Novec Flux Remover 助銲劑清潔劑 - 銲油

Novec Flux Remover 助銲劑清潔劑是絕佳的助銲劑銲, 油清潔溶劑, 無閃火點, 快乾, 低毒. 能夠去除油漬、油脂, 完全不留殘漬, 可清潔各類電子、電器設備. 會傷害少部份塑膠(ABS, PS, 壓克力, PC, 聚碳酸酯)  Made in USA. 12oz / 340 g    不可燃清潔劑

3M Novec Electronic Degreaser removes a wide variety of solder fluxes used in electronics manufacturing and repair – including rosin-based and many no-clean and lead-free fluxes. It is also effective in removing hydrocarbon, silicone and fluorochemical oils and greases encountered in the maintenance of electronic devices such as electric motors, generators, precision devices and other electromechanical or sensitive equipment. Novec Flux Remover evaporates quickly, and leaves no residue. It is non-corrosive and compatible with most plastics, with the exception of acrylics, polycarbonates, ABS and PS.

  Non-corrosive Non-flammable Low toxicity Fast drying, no residue Low odor

Made in USA.  Industry Grade  12oz / 340 g



3M Cable Cleaning System  / 3M CC-4 CC4電纜清潔劑

It is compatible with all solid dielectric cable insulations, will not cause tracking on insulation surfaces and evaporates completely.

CC Series solvent is also suitable for use on transformers, generators, motors and metal parts of all sorts.

It can be used for PCB cleanup and in parts cleaners for degreasing.


3M Cable Cleaning Solvent CC Series products contain a full strength non-ozone
depleting solvent cleaner, degreaser for use as an effective replacement for 1,1,1-
Trichloroethane and other hazardous solvents. It is formulated to exhibit excellent
cleaning and degreasing properties.
The CC Series solvent is a colorless, non-conducting liquid that emanates a light orange
peel scent. It is compatible with most solid dielectric cable insulations and will not cause
tracking on insulation surfaces. Accelerated surface drying can be accomplished by
applying forced air or by wiping dry with a clean cloth. Use of solvent on carbon
containing semi-conductive surfaces such as cable insulation shields is not
recommended. There are four products within the CC series to meet cleaning needs as

CC-DRY Wiping Cloths
CC-2-DRY Cable Cleaning Preparation Kits
CC-2 Cable Cleaning Preparation Kits
CC-3 Cable Cleaning Pads

3M Cable Cleaning Solvent CC Series is compatible with all solid dielectric cable
insulations; i.e. polyethylene (high and low density), cross-linked polyethylene (XLP) and
ethylene propylene rubber (EPR). In general, most plastic and rubber dielectrics are not
adversely affected by short term exposure to CC Cable Cleaning Solvent associated
with surface cleaning.

The solvent is suitable for use on transformers, generators, motors, vehicles and metal
parts of all sorts, to remove surface oils, tars and heavy greases. The solvent can be
used in parts cleaners to degrease surfaces prior to painting or plating. Solvent viscosity
will change slightly with applications at different temperatures. At low temperatures, the
solvent will become more viscous.


3M Cable Preparation Kit CC-4 電纜清潔劑: This cable cleaning solvent cleans cable insulation, metal, electrical, and mechanical parts. 4 pcs/case. 

3M CC-4 電纜清潔劑

使用CC-4 電纜清潔劑減少產生絕緣電痕

1. 不含氟氯碳化物的環保產品 2. 不含多氯聯苯 3. 無色、具輕微橘子味 4. 不導電、揮發快, 不殘留.  使用範圍廣,適用各種電纜 電線  線圈 的清潔、不會傷害電纜表面, 亦可以用於清潔電路板 及 零件噴漆或電鍍前之清潔. 5. 強力清潔去除油污

注意: 本產品去除油污能力強    具揮發   請遠離火源    因為有使用者用於其他非清潔電纜的用途  請小心注意



3M Scotch Sprays  

3M Scotch 1638 高壓空氣除塵劑 Compressed Air Spray Made in Germany

1638 Compressed air is ideal for any operation of cleaning, in particular by vacuum-cleaning the not very easy access points. The power of the air blast makes it possible to blow the impurities and dust. Universally applicable especially in hard to reach areas.• Vacuum-cleaning very effective. • Easily allows to reach in the difficult places. • Not polluting for the environment.

The small pipe allows an easy access in the least accessible recesses. It is important always to hold the spray in driving position. This product can be used on apparatuses under tension. Cracks scratches, joins, gaps in keyboards or any other nook or cranny. Ideal cleaning product to remove dirt from awkward areas. 400ml

3M Scotch 1638高壓空氣除塵劑,可做高密度且廣泛的吹氣工作,普遍應用在清理不易接觸到的地方,如破裂的洞、接合處、鍵盤裂口,或任何其他角落或裂縫,是清除棘手區域髒污的理想清潔產品。 電腦鍵盤、音響視聽器材、音響組合、傳真機、報表機、收銀機; 鐘錶修理、光學器材、照相機、鏡頭、幻燈機等等電子電機設備儀器。  紅色罐裝 400 ml 德國工業級 德國製造



3M工業級 殘膠清潔劑 Adhesive Remover

3M工業級殘膠清潔劑: 殘膠清潔 天然清潔 除膠 

1. 柑橘萃取的天然強力除膠噴劑 85% 丙烷 15% , 符合FDA21  CRE 180.20 安全標準
2. 適用於殘膠的去除及施工前的表面清潔
3. 能有效清除頑強的汙漬、殘膠、柏油、廚房油垢及silicone

Made in USA/ Industry Grade 
重量: 524公克


3M adhesive remover - natural ingredient, in compliance with FDA21  & CRE 180.20. It is a citrus oil based cleaner that emulsifies when flushed with water. It help to remove adhesive & stain. Aerosol cleaner which can dissolve and flush away dirt, grease, tar, most non curing tape adhesive films, and similar substances.



3M Novec 7100 Fluid HFE 7100 清潔

Novec fluid HFE-7100 is used in a diverse range of industries. Its convenient boiling point and excellent environmental, health and safety profile make it useful in applications like heat transfer, cleaning, lubricant deposition and more.

1. Carrier Solvents for Fingerprint Formulations 指紋成形

2. Cleaning Fluids 清潔
Its boiling point (61°C) and increased solvency make Novec fluid HFE-7100 an ideal cleaning solvent in applications like vapor degreasing, wet cleaning and FOUP cleaning. Low surface tension helps it to penetrate into tight spaces found in delicate electronic equipment - providing a thorough and complete clean.  HFE-7100 is non-ozone depleting, is not a volatile organic compound (VOC) and is approved without restrictions under the US EPA's Significant New Alternatives Program (SNAP).   Depending on the type of soil to be cleaned, Novec fluid HFE-7100 can be used "neat" or in combination with other solvents. The product is compatible with most metals, plastics and elastomers

3. Deposition Solvents 溶劑
Low viscosity and low surface tension provide this fluid with surface wetting and flow properties similar to 3M  Performance Fluid PF-5060DL. In addition, Novec fluid HFE-7100 has a short atmospheric lifetime and low global warming potential (GWP). Novec fluid HFE-7100 delivers good solvency for PFPE lubricants and can dissolve high performance lubricant additives such as X-1P.


4. Heat Transfer Fluids 導熱
A wide liquid range (-135°C to 61°C) makes Novec fluid HFE-7100 well-suited to thermal management applications in a wide array of industries. In the semiconductor industry, it's ideal for automated test equipment (ATE) and wafer processing equipment requiring low temperatures.  Novec fluid HFE-7100 has a very low global warming potential (GWP) and offers reduced greenhouse gas emissions when compared to PFCs - without sacrificing performance.



3M Novec 7200  Fluid HFE 7200 清潔劑 氟化液


‧ Cold cleaner (flex circuits, wipe solvent)
‧ Cleaning and rinsing agent for vapor degreasing
‧ Light-duty cleaning (neat)–particulates, fluorolubes, light oils, fluoropolymers

‧ Lubricant carrier Fluorocarbons Hydrocarbons Silicones

‧ Specialty solvents, dispersion medium, reaction medium, extraction solvent

‧ Spray contact cleaner

‧ CFC, HCFC, HFC and PFC replacement agent

‧ Heat Transfer Fluid


Cleaning Fluids  清潔
Its higher boiling point (76°C) and increased solvency make Novec fluid HFE-7200 an ideal cleaning solvent in applications like vapor degreasing, wet cleaning and FOUP cleaning. Its solvency allows its use in cleaning light-duty soils - like particulates, fluorolubes, light oils and fluoropolymers - and it can be paired with co-solvents to clean heavier-duty soils.
HFE-7200 is non-ozone depleting, is not a volatile organic compound (VOC) and is approved without restrictions under the US EPA's Significant New Alternatives Program (SNAP).

Deposition Solvents
Low viscosity and low surface tension provide this fluid with surface wetting and flow properties similar to 3M  Performance Fluid PF-5060DL. Novec fluid HFE-7200 has a short atmospheric lifetime and low global warming potential (GWP). Novec fluid HFE-7200 can dissolve lubricants as well as PFPE lubes.
In addition, Novec fluid HFE-7200 offers certain unique process advantages because its higher boiling point reduces evaporative losses and its lower density means that it takes less fluid to fill a lubing machine.

Heat Transfer Fluids
A wide liquid range (-138°C to 76°C) makes Novec fluid HFE-7200 well-suited to thermal management applications in a wide array of industries. In addition, HFE-7200 fluid has a very low global warming potential (GWP) and offers reduced greenhouse gas emissions when compared to PFCs - without sacrificing performance.

vs. Novec 7100


Novec 7200

Novec 7100




Molecular Wt.



Boiling Point (°C)



Freeze Point (°C)



Liquid Density (g/ml)



Surface Tension (dynes/cm)



Solubility of Solvent in Water (ppmw)



Solubility of Water in Solvent (ppmw)



Vapor Pressure (mmHg)



Viscosity (cps)



Heat of Vaporization (cal/g @ boiling point)



Specific Heat (cal/g°C )





Coatings 噴漆保護


3M Zinc Spray 16-501 / 鋅漆保護劑 鋅漆噴罐

The 3M 16-501 Zinc Spray provides an effective way to inhibit rust and corrosion with 97% pure zinc. Used for generation, transmission and distribution equipment including towers, transformers, light standards and other metal and galvanized surfaces, this convenient aerosol leaves a barrier coating similar to hot dipped galvanized surfaces. Noted for its quick drying capability, 16-501 zinc spray preserves base metal, even when scratched or chafed. This product is extremely flammable. Read and observe warnings on the label. Not for use on energized equipment.

* Weight: 397 g/ 12 pcs in case

特性: 1. 內含97%高濃度純鋅, 有效防銹, 防腐蝕。2.  快乾。3.   物體表面噴上後,可形成如鍍鋅般灰色保護層 (0.038公厘厚)。 4.  符合美軍規.  Mil-P-21035, Mil-P-26915C, Mil-P-46105,Mil-T-26433.  防止水分,鹽分, 或酸鹼物質對於金屬所可能造成腐蝕及破壞情況,保護金屬表面不氧化,不生鏽,不腐蝕.
用途: 保護發電機、輸配電設備如鐵塔、變壓器、腳架、及其它金屬免於腐蝕。最適防護處於易生銹、腐蝕區域(如海邊)之金屬。鋼筋外露銹蝕保護,底盤板金,室外設備防銹防蝕,其他金屬防銹防蝕保護.



3M Scotch Zinc Spray 1617 / 鋅漆保護劑

Scotch 1617 is an ideal cold galvanizer, that provides permanent protection against rust and corrosion by electrochemically bonding with the metal surface. 1617 has excellent adhesion to iron and steel. Resistant to weathering, UV radiation, moisture, heat up to 500°C, alkaline solutions and mineral oils. For spraying over insulation on wire and cable joints as a general purpose sealer, or for touch-up insulation on motor windings and frames. Cold galvanizing. Primer for metal constructions. Heat rated 500 C degree. 400ml  * Grey Color * Made in Germany/ Industry Grade / 6 pcs in case


1.保護發電機、輸配電設備如鐵塔、變壓器、角架及其他金屬免於腐蝕。2.最適合保護處於易生繡、腐蝕區域(如沿海地區)之金屬物品。建議採用1625及 1626做事前表面清洗。 耐溫可達500℃。

紅色罐裝  400ml 德國工業級 德國製造



3M Scotch Aluminum Spray Coating 1616 耐熱漆 鋁漆

3M Scotch 1616鋁漆耐熱保護漆是預防、保養、防護的一般性產品。物體表面噴上後,可形成如銀色保護膜,可達極陰防蝕效果,保護設備免於酸、鹼侵蝕,耐候性良好,並耐濕氣、油脂及工業廢氣,延長設備使用壽命,並能有效防止水份滲透,保護設備免於生銹的威脅。耐溫可達800℃。400ml


2.最適合保護處於易生繡、腐蝕區域 (如沿海地區)之金屬物品。建議採用1625及1626做事前表面 德國製造

3M Scotch Aluminum Spray Coating 1616

*For spraying over insulation on metal. Against rust and corrosion.

* Heat rated 800 C degree.

* Made in Germany/ Industry Grade / 6 pcs in case  400ml



3M 架橋劑 94 Tape Primer 94 助黏劑 表面處理劑     沒有貨   以 K520 替代

3M 架橋劑 助黏劑 94 Primer 94 改善膠的接著力,塗膠或貼膠帶前在被貼物表面塗架橋劑,架橋劑和空氣中的水分子作用後,產生高黏著效果,具抗高溫能力

  助黏劑 94 Primer 94 架橋劑94,待完全乾燥以後再黏貼膠帶.

1. 塗佈助黏劑primer的最佳厚度為 2~3 micrometer, 只需薄薄一層即可。

2. 將primer
助黏劑塗佈一層後,等待約10~20秒,以手指輕觸表面,看使否有指紋發生, 若無指紋,則此等待時間為該應用之環境溫濕度下primer的操作條件。

3. 使用 primer 助黏劑時,務需遵守原廠之安全規範   非常易燃 Extremely flammable liquid and vapor

3M Tape Primer 94 can be used to promote adhesion of 3M tapes to surfaces such polyethylene, polypropylene, ABS, PET/PBT blends, concrete, wood, glass, metal and painted metal surfaces.

Key Features
Solids: Approximately 6%
Color: Clear light yellow – clear dark orange
Flashpoint: -4°F (-20°C) O.C.
Coverage: 600 sq. ft. (14.7 sq. m/l) per gallon
Net Weight: 750 grams per liter
Viscosity: 35 ± 5 cps.

Surface Preparation: The bonding surface must be relatively clean and dry. Contaminated surfaces should be cleaned with a 50/50 Isopropyl Alcohol and water mixture. A clean lint-free cloth should be used. 欲達最佳黏著,表面必需清潔與乾燥。建議以布沾取50:50比例之IPA (Isopropyl Alcohol異丙醇)與水的混合溶液擦拭表面,待完全乾燥。

Application: Shake 3M primer 94 well before using. Apply a thin uniform coating to the bonding surface using the minimum amount that will fully coat the surface. Allow 3M primer 94 to dry thoroughly before applying tape. This is usually accomplished in 5 minutes at room temperature. Be sure the primed surface remains free from contaminants prior to applying the tape. Porous surfaces may require 2 applications of 3M primer 94 for uniform coverage and good adhesion. Allow first application of primer to dry before applying the second coat. 3M primer 94 may be applied with brush or swab. It can also be applied with a pressurized flow gun, knurled roller or other similar type of application equipment.


Clean up: 3M primer 94 can be removed with isopropyl alcohol. Vigorous scrubbing may be required.

Note: Carefully read and follow manufacturer’s precautions and directions for use when handling cleaning solvents.  務需遵守原廠之安全規範   非常易燃 Extremely flammable liquid and vapor


表面 因素 替代 options
混凝土 粗糙表面、潮濕 混凝土填縫劑、塗裝
磚塊 粗糙表面 -
木材 表面有較脆弱的纖維 Fastbond 30、亮光漆
顆粒版 低表面強度 Fastbond 30、亮光漆
塑膠  LSE 添加劑、低黏性 VHB 4952  4932
粉體塗裝 低黏性 VHB 4952  4932   4950 搭配研磨
電子塗佈塗裝 低黏性 VHB 4952  4932  4950 搭配研磨
表面粗化鋁材 Coil Coated Al 低黏性 VHB 4941
模造PU 脫模劑、低黏性 將離型研磨掉






3M  1601, 1602, 1603 Insulating Sprays / 3M 電氣絕緣填縫劑

Protect surfaces against weather, moisture, corrosion, oil, alkalies and acids with the Scotch 1601, 1602, and 1603 Insulating Sprays. Fast-drying enamel sealers and insulators, these electrical grade sprays provide easy access to hard-to-reach spots. Use 3M insulating spray sealers over insulation on wire and cable splices, as a general-purpose sealer, or for touchup insulation on motor windings and frames. Sprays are available in clear (1601), red (1602) or black (1603) pressurized cans. Precautionary information is available on the product container.

* Weight: 340 g/ 12 pcs in case

特性: 1.耐候性良好﹐並耐酸﹑鹼﹑溼氣﹑油脂及工業廢氣﹐延長電機使用壽命。2.防止水分滲透﹐保護電機不生銹。3.  每0.01吋厚耐電壓為850伏特﹐絕緣性強。4. 快乾 5. 壓力噴霧灌式包裝﹐使用方便﹐可到達每一個死角。6.有3種顏色可供選擇。1601透明無色﹑1602紅色﹑1603黑色。

用途: 1.電動機等之修護時﹐作為漆面或絕緣填縫之用。2.可增加絕緣用凡立漆(Varnish)之厚度以增強絕緣能力。3. 匯流排(bus bar)接點之絕緣處理。室外電路接頭之防水﹑絕緣﹑保護。電路板﹑電子零組件﹑線圈﹑變壓器﹑晶體﹑電阻等電子器材之絕緣保護。



3M Scotch Varnished Insulating Spray Electrical Insulating  電氣絕緣填縫漆噴劑 1601 1602 1603 1604

電氣絕緣填縫漆 是預防、保養、防護的一般性產品。可保護設備免於酸、鹼侵蝕,耐侯性良好,並耐濕氣、油脂及工業廢氣,延長設備使用壽命,增強絕緣能力,並能有效防止水份滲透,保護設備免於生銹的威脅。

1.電動機等之維護時,作為漆面或絕緣填縫之用。2.可增加絕緣用凡立漆(Varnish)之厚度以增強絕緣能力。3.匯流排(bus bar)接點之絕緣處理。室外電路接頭之防水、絕緣、保護。4.電路板、電子零組件、線圈、變壓器、晶體、電阻等電子器材之絕緣保護。 5. 透明 1601 / 紅 1602 / 黑 1603 / 灰 1604   德國製造 400ml

1601 is a transparent insulating varnish. It is transformed into a flexible and resistant film. It presents an excellent adhesion on the majority of the supports such as metal, glass, plastic, wood. .etc. Resists UV, acids, oils. .etc. It isolates from the mould, is damp-proof and is characterized by its high dielectric rigidity.

* Color: Transparent  1601 / Red 1602 / Black 1603 / Grey 1604
* Protective coating Hardens into a flexible and resistant film.

* Excellent adhesion to most surfaces Resistant to UV rays, acids, oil and alkalis. Temp. Stability 120C after 700 hrs.
* Use for connections, switches, switchgear terminal boards, electronic components printed circuits, coils and windings.

* Made in Germany/ Industry Grade / 6 pcs in case 400ml



3M Scotchkote Electrical Coating FD 06151 快乾 / 3M 電氣絕緣防水漆  60151替代 14853

3M Scotchkote Electrical Coating FD is designed as a fast-drying sealantand bonding agent intended for use on joints wrapped with plastic electrical tape.

Product Features

 Compatible with Scotch® Vinyl Electrical Tapes
 Fast drying
 Flexible when dry
 Self-contained applicator
 Virtually no waste if container resealed after use

Scotchkote electrical coating FD is intended for use as an outer seal on plastic tape applications which are subjected to excessive amounts of oil. It also improves the weather resistance and moisture resistance of the taped joint or splice. It is suitable for direct burial, direct water immersion or above ground applications.

Physical Properties                         Typical Value
Tack Free Time @ 72°F/22°C          12 minutes
Adhesion to:
Wood      Good
Metal      Good
Rubber      Good
Plastic      Good

Electrical Properties Typical Value
Dielectric Strength:
Dry                             450 volts/mil
24 hrs. in H20              200 volts/mil

Chemical Properties Typical Value
Solvent                         Acctone
Solids (25%)                  Synthetic rubber & resin
Flash Point                     -4°F/-20°C (closed cup)

15 fl. oz. (0.44 L) of coating. Case quantity is 10 cans.  Item Number: 60151


§ 防水、油脂、碳化氫及絕緣作用            

§ 塗於電氣用膠帶之外層,可防水、防油、耐天候變化,加強保護效果

§ 乾燥後漆面具有彈性,不易受機械傷害                   

§ 快乾、持久保持其乾燥性                        

 § 可用於直埋或浸於水中之電 器、電纜接頭之防水保護處理

§ 耐候性、耐濕性強                                        

§ 內含塗刷,使用方便                                

§ 電動機等之修護時,作為漆面或絕緣防水之用

§ 使用後可封罐,不易造成浪費                  

§ 室外電路接頭之防水、絕緣、保護

特性: 1.耐候性良好﹐並耐濕氣。2.防止水分滲透﹐保護電機不生銹。3. 具彈性 4.快乾,  在 22 度C 12分鐘後 不黏手.  5. 工作溫度最高為 : 90度C( 190 度F)  閃點: 0°F/-18°C

用途: 1.電動機等之修護時, 作為漆面或絕緣防水之用。2.可增強絕緣能力。3. 室外電路接頭之防水﹑絕緣﹑保護

絕緣效用:乾後 450Volts/mil    或是  24hrs後在水中 200 volts/mil


15  . Oz / 0.44 litre











200 電壓/密耳








3M Scotchkote Electrical Coating 14853 / 3M 電氣絕緣防水漆   14853 停產

Scotchkote electrical coating is intended for use as an outer seal on plastic tape applications which are subjected to excessive amounts of oil. It also improves the weather resistance and moisture resistance of the taped joint or splice. It is suitable for direct burial, direct water immersion or above ground applications.

A fast drying sealant and bonding compound, the coating is provided in a brush top 16 oz. can for quick and easy application, can containing 15 fl. oz. (0.44 L) of coating. Case quantity is 10 cans.  Item Number: 14853

* Fast drying / Flexible when dry / self-contained applicator / No waste if container resealed after use. Adhesive to wood, metal, rubber and plastic.

* Compatible with PVC tape. use as an outer seal

* Dielectric Strength : Dry   450Volts/mil  or   24hrs in H2O 200 volts/mil

* Scotchkote can be applied down to approximately 0° F since the flash point of the solvents is 0° F, but the solvents will evaporate more slowly as the temperature decreases. It's operating high temperature is in the 176°F to 194° F ( 90°C) range.

特性: 1.耐候性良好﹐並耐濕氣。2.防止水分滲透﹐保護電機不生銹。3. 具彈性 4.快乾,  在 22 度C 15分鐘後 不黏手.  5. 工作溫度最高為 : 90度C( 190 度F)  閃點: 0°F/-18°C

用途: 1.電動機等之修護時, 作為漆面或絕緣防水之用。2.可增強絕緣能力。3. 室外電路接頭之防水﹑絕緣﹑保護. 4. 塗於電氣用膠帶(Vinyl Tape)之外層,可防水、防油、耐天候變化,加強保護效果。可用於直埋或浸於水中之電器、電纜接頭之防水保護處理。

絕緣效用:乾後 450Volts/mil    或是  24hrs後在水中 200 volts/mil

絕緣防水漆 (Electrical Coating) - 特防水及外部漆面之保護
快乾、持久保持其乾燥性。防水、油脂、碳化氫及絕緣作用。 耐候性、耐濕性強。 乾燥後,漆面具有彈性,不易受機械傷害。內含塗刷。  使用後封罐,不造成浪費.

相對於 3M 1601 14853 耐候性更好  1601是透明  14853是暗褐色   1601用噴的   14853是用塗的


Electrostatic Neutralizing Spray 靜電消除



3M  Scotch 1629 Electrostatic Neutralizing Spray 靜電消除劑


1. 所有塑膠製品、門把、鑲板、地板、合成纖維、地毯。 2. 儀器外殼、照明設備、眼鏡、膠片、透明軟片、幻燈片。

3. 特別是對電腦、測量儀器。 4. 產生良好的音響效果,維護昂貴音響的壽命。 5. 德國製造 400ml

The Scotch 1629 Spray comply with all European legal requirements, and include safety instructions printed on all spray cans. Precautionary information is available on the product container.

1629 Electrostatic Neutralizing Spray can be used for plastic, fiberglass or even carpet for the protection of electrical electronic equipment, lighting facility, glass, films, computer, audio system etc. Use the 1629 Electrostatic Neutralizing Spray for the optimal protection of your electronic devices.

* Made in Germany/ Industry Grade / 6 pcs in case 400ml

Other 3M Scotch Spray ( 其他 以下紅色罐裝為德國工業級 德國製造)

3M Scotch Sprays  

3M  Scotch Aerosols, Sprays and Coatings Made in Germany 

The Scotch Spray product range consists of a number of different insulating, cleaning, protective and preventative maintenance sprays. These products should form a major part of any maintenance program, from preventative action to repairing damage in all electrical and electronic environments. By safeguarding the quality and function of technical equipment and accessories, service life can be considerably increased.

The Scotch Sprays comply with all European legal requirements, and include safety instructions printed on all spray cans. (1602) or black (1603) pressurized cans. Precautionary information is available on the product container.

* Made in Germany/ Industry Grade / 6 pcs in case

* Please check the reference table below for your applications.

* 以下紅色罐裝為德國工業級 德國製造

Scotch Spray Aerosols 其他德國工業級

3M Ref. Use Description Applications Temp.


Color Notes




 Very effective anti-corrosion and abrasion protection. Protects against moisture, salt water spray, corrosion media and physical impacts.


Pipes, supports, welds on bitumen protected pipes, cable racks, switch and control cabinets, battery containers.

1.可廣泛應用於車輛、橋樑、機械、船舶、飛機、大型構件、管道等領域,作為防銹漆和防腐蝕漆使用。 2.電動機等之維護時,作為漆面防蝕填縫之用。 3.匯流排(bus bar)接點之防蝕處理。4.室外電路接頭之防水、防蝕、保護。







Remove any trace of moisture by penetration. It forms a protective film which protects the elements treated against from moisture. It does not damage  paintings, plastics, rubber and materials. Its operating temperature covers -74°C with +175°C.

是預防、保養、防護的一般性產品。水、蒸氣等潮濕都會使得電子儀器設備產生短路、火花等現象,造成機械使用中斷或干擾。3M Scotch 1605可立刻解決儀器上因濕氣造成的干擾,使用於物品表面,可形成防水保護薄膜,有效產生防潮,防濕效果。能有效滲入裡層,立刻除濕,瞬間恢復電器、儀器設備因濕氣而改變的電器常數及電阻係數。

Preventative maintenance/Penetrates and displaces moisture/Defrosts frozen sections/Forms protective layer.  Use for Electrical and electronic equipment, switches, relays, motors, batteries, ignition systems, tools, instruments and threads

1.電子和通訊系統: 手機、電腦、影音設備及各種電子電器產品零組件、電路板、通訊器材的快速接頭、電話線的連接、繼電器等等。2.自動控制系統: 各種空壓、油壓、電子自動開關控制器等等。3.電機設備:馬達、天車、變壓器、發電機、各種產業機械電力、輸送配電盤、開關箱。

-74C to 175C






3M Scotch 1611 Adhesive  is a clean “tape-like” adhesive that adheres in seconds, yet permits material to be repositioned. It resists bleeding, staining and wrinkling plus has a smooth glue line.

3M Scotch 1611特級萬能噴膠當需要時可隨時施用到工件上。 只要手指一按,即可將適合工作要求的膠粘劑噴塗到紙張、塑料、厚紙板、泡棉、金屬和其它材料上。

Use it to hold badges during stitching, patterns prior to cutting, T-shirts during silk screening and to hold paper masking in place.

1. 可用於畫室、印刷、圖畫裝裱、絲網印刷、標牌、指示牌指制作場所、縫紉、木加工以及辦公和工業場所。  2. 可用於快速及高粘性的臨時或永久性膠粘。 3. 不起皺,可重新定位。4. 對於需要快速布置或粘貼的工作非常理想。5. 黏著力:2.1 kp/cm²。




1632 cools in a few seconds until -40°C. It does not leave any deposit and is not toxic. Refrigeration by super-cooling within seconds to -40°C, Scotch 1632 localize thermal defects. By applying short sprays on to the source of the problem, the alternation of hot & cold will assist in diagnosis.

3M Scotch 1632 快速急凍劑是一種冷卻噴劑,可使材料表面溫度立刻下降至-40℃。其氣流能夠散熱及很快速冷卻機器部件,有助於找出由過熱引起的間歇性故障和短路。快速急凍劑還可以安全的使用在敏感的部件和許多材料的表面,產品無磨損性,噴塗後易乾,無殘留物。

Assists in repairs to electronic products: transistors, diodes, resistors, capacitors and semiconductors.

1. 也適用於在焊接或去除焊錫過程中保護電子組件散熱片。 2. 測試恆溫器或其他溫度定向的零件。3. 查找印刷電路板上的細微裂縫。 4. 使剛用完的設備溫度立即下降。 5. 對電子機系統和電路進行低溫試驗,不需要使用成本昂貴的冷藏器,便可將溫度立即降至-40℃。 6. 利用熱漲冷縮原理,幫助精密金屬部件、金屬管道接駁或拆除、軸承安裝及拆除等。


Rust Remover



1633 Deoxidizer is a multi-purpose spray. It loosens rust, protects against moisture and renewed oxidation, can be used ideally as a lubricant, easily releases tightly sealed bolts, and has a high penetration capacity.

3M Scotch 1633 高效能除銹鬆動劑,具有除銹、鬆銹、防銹、滲透、排水等多重功用。

Inhibits rust and corrosion Displaces moisture, dries out electrical equipment. Forms a moisture barrier to reduce corrosion. Ignition systems, generators and motors. Lubricates, releases tightly sealed bolts.

1. 廣泛使用於機械、電機工業、建築工地、一般家庭及汽車保養等等。2. 分鐘時間就能鬆動各種嚴重銹蝕卡死螺絲機件。可以滲透鐵銹、樹脂、油、硬化油脂、各種合成油脂都能分解。3. 解決許多工務維修師傅每天面的問題,對非常髒污及生銹卡死的零件非常理想。可以鬆動嚴重腐蝕生銹卡死的產品。特別推薦用在接頭、閥件、管路輪緣、馬達培林拆卸。

N/A Clear 400ml

中央商業有限公司 Power Hub Inc.